Membership Renewal Online Payment
Renewal deadline is July 15, 2025.
I understand participation in the activities offered through the group known as San Luis Obispo Newcomers (“SLO Newcomers”), including without limitation, book groups, crafts and puzzles, dining and socializing, games and sports, hiking, walking and local travel (“Activities”), including without limitations transportation, involve a certain degree of risk that could result in my injury or even my death. Further, I recognize that injuries may be a consequence of the Activities.
In consideration of the benefits to be derived by me from the Activities and after carefully considering the risks involved, I hereby release, discharge and waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may have and which may accrue to me, my heirs and assigns, as a result of my participation in the Activities, against the SLO Newcomers, its agents (“The Board”), activity leaders and/or volunteers, without limitations. This includes all claims for damages, for death, for personal injury, for injury to or by pets, for lost wages or for property damage. This release and indemnification expressly includes any and all claims arising out of the negligence or fault of the SLO Newcomers, The Board, activity leaders and/or volunteers, without limitations, as well as the principal amount of the claim(s), the expenses of defending against the claim(s), court costs and attorneys’ fees.
Further, I agree to indemnify fully and hold harmless SLO Newcomers, The Board, activity leaders and/or volunteers, without limitations from any and all claims arising from my participation in club activities.
This waiver shall remain in effect if I am a member in good standing of the SLO Newcomers.
Renewal Dues Deadline is July 15, 2025
If you have any changes to your information on file, please use your Wild Apricot App - profile. If you are having trouble with accessing the Wild Apricot App, please send an email to slonewcomers@gmail.com.
Current Member Renewal:
Please use your Wild Apricot App to pay by credit card.
For those paying by check please mail to:
San Luis Obispo Newcomers
PO Box 4647, San Luis Obispo, CA